Finding Her Truth
Kerry Nelson Selman
Finding Her Truth
​Finding Her Truth is Kerry Nelson Selman's second book in the popular 3-book Hara Series, which invites us to share the journeys of three strong women who dare to change and be all that they choose to be.
In this second book we share the journey of Polly, Kate's oldest and dearest friend, who was introduced in Finding Her Peace.
Polly decides to rise to the challenge to be true to herself, to be authentically all that she once dreamed of being … and she leaves the city with attitude.
She finds herself driving south to Kate’s cottage in the small country town of Bradford.
Polly liked to think she had it all worked out, but a friend's gin-soaked words had tweaked an ignored truth that sat deep inside … alongside her niggling integrity.​
Little did she know that along with her integrity she would find deep emotional strength that had laid dormant for a lifetime ... strength to release the past and dare to be all that she wanted to be.
Little did she know that when she found her Truth she would find love.
She found her own true north deep within … and she found love previously unimagined.
The Three Haras
In traditional Japanese Reiki and other energy systems
our whole being is balanced and harmonized
using three main chakras or energy centers known as the Haras.
Indeed, the author’s practice of Vibrational Oneness
also accesses the power of the three Haras —
the Upper at the Third Eye, the Lower at the Sacral chakra,
and the Third at the bridging Heart chakra.
Harmonizing these three chakras brings about balance —
that sense of wholeness and wellness that is at our core,
and that feeling of connection that we all innately seek.
Life is to be experienced. Life is to be lived.
We are all so much more than the sum of our parts.
The Sacral or second chakra is our emotional and creative center —
that which unconsciously drives our powerful emotions and creative juices.
It is the dwelling-place, home to the Zen knowing mind, or The Hara.
It is the place of Truth — we feel that which is true for us.
When the Sacral chakra remains unbalanced,
we are prone to self-doubt, self-sabotage, and self-denial,
crippling our sense of self-worth, self-respect, and self-renewal.
Meditation can balance the Sacral chakra —
We learn self-acceptance and the power of trust.
We find quiet strength as self-belief is restored.
We feel balanced by a strong sense of our true worth.
We are home. We are fluid yet grounded. Authentic.
We are able to hold our place and feel free to choose.
We find our Truth. We deserve no less.
Dare to be all that you choose to be ...
Available from all major online sellers ...
or ask at your local bookstore!
Coming next in The Hara Series ... due 2020!
Finding Her Self